The next social on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 will be our Biannual General meeting. At this meeting we will be electing the new slate of Board Members for the 2010 – 2011 terms. We will also be reviewing the club’s activities over the past two years.
My two-year term as your President is quickly coming to an end and I will continue as Past President for the next two years. Maureen Betts will not be reoffering as a Board Member during the next term. On behalf of the Board, I personally thank Maureen for a job well done. Maureen was always available to assist and made a positive contribution to the Board Meetings and social events.
Our club is in good shape and your Board is an important part of its success. Your support and participation is also critical. If you wish to be on the Board please let Dieter or any of the Board members know before September 23. Our Board meetings continue to be lot of fun. It is a great opportunity to work with a very special group of people who actually enjoy going to the meetings.
My special Feature this Newsletter is Glen Hancock. It was a pleasure to interview Glen and learn of all of his accomplishments. Thank you to Glen for his contribution.
G. Carl Brown - President