Sunday, November 23, 2008

President's Message ......

Your Board met on November 6, 2008 to put the final details together for the annual Christmas Party planned for this year at Ashburn Golf and Country Club on December 3, 2008. The Christmas Party is one of the most popular socials of the year with about 85% participation. This is outstanding consider all the things going on in our busy lives. I look forward to seeing all of you there.

This year's entertainment plan includes all members singing Christmas Carols led by Hedley Myers. Thank you to Hedley for his assistance in developing the program, supplying the song sheets and providing the musical talent. We are also looking for strong voices to come to the front and lead the group in song.

Thank you to all of you who supported the 2008 United Way of Halifax Region. Information provided by the office of the Dartmouth Refinery Manager indicates another successful campaign:

Year Donors Average Total
2008 38 $79.61 $3025
2007 41 $86.10 $3530
2006 32 $85.78 $2745

Our Club's participation appears to be strong considering in many instances a donor represents two members.

The annuitant being profiled in this Newsletter is Mary Williston - page 3.

Yours sincerely,

Carl Brown